This New Feature From YouTube Will Remind You To Sleep On Time. Know How!

As we all know the conditions that are prevailing in the world. The coronavirus lockdown has imposed us to stay at home. The major source of entertainment these days is through Google video streaming app YouTube.
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Since we are binge-watching on web series and movies this has disturbed our sleeping pattern. Disrupted sleep is a common complain that many people are facing. To limit the use of streaming videos at night and concerning your health YouTube has come up with a new feature.A new "bedtime" feature was added by Google on Wednesday to ensure that you sleep on time. The feature has already been added to android and ios phones. This new feature is available only for those who stream video9s on mobile phones and not laptops. A similar initiative called "tea break" was also taken by YouTube some time ago.
In the new "bedtime feature" it will allow user s to set “specific time to stop watching and go to bed”. Users will get the time option at which they can start and end the streaming. They can choose whether they want a reminder in the mid of the video or wait till it gets over.
Till life returns to a normal routine we will have to battle with such conditions and adjust life accordingly.
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