Yoga For Flawless Skin: 4 Yoga Poses That Can Do Wonders

Yoga For Flawless Skin: 4 Yoga Poses That Can Do Wonders

Everyone knows that eating green veggies, getting proper sleep, stay hydrated, getting a facial massage, and so on are the great ways to make skin glow. But did you know that yoga is also the best way to get glowing skin? Yes, yoga is an inexpensive and effective way to make your skin glow. Along with skin glow, yoga can improve your sleep pattern, make you feel relax, calm, flexible, and boosts muscle strength. So, Let's start yoga with these yoga poses to get flawless and glowing skin.

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Here Are Some Best And Effective Yoga Poses For Glowing Skin:


Utthanasana is also known as Standing Forward Bend and considered to be one of the most effective yoga poses for glowing and healthy skin. It stretches your calves, hamstrings hips, and improves the strength of tights and knees—also, the pose improves oxygen and blood flow to cells in the body.

Steps To Do It: Stand tall and bend forward. Make efforts to bring your forehead nearer to the knee with every breath. Use your hands to touch the floor or hold your ankles. D this yoga pose for 8-10 seconds and come back to standing position.


As compared to other yoga poses, Sarvangasana is very easy to do, and one can be pro with little practice. Also, this pose improves the blood circulation of the face and reduce wrinkles, acne, and dullness.

Steps To Do It: First, get into the corpse pose and then bring your feet nearer to the chest. Use your hands to support your back and slowly move your lower body up. Hold for 10 seconds, then slowly curve your knees and place your legs on the floor.


While this yoga makes your skin glow, it also improves blood flow, strengthens abdominal muscles, and improves digestion. Not hiding anything to you, you may face difficulties and discomfort in holding this pose at first, but you will get the best results with time.

Steps To Do It: First, get into the shoulder stand position, and then bring your legs to a 180-degree angle. Avoid bending your aim and knees to touch the floor with your toes. Try to hold this pose for 10 seconds and focus on breathing.


Matyasana is the combination of Halasana and Sarvangasana and must be done quickly after these poses. It's wonderful for your skin as it supports the good functioning of the pituitary and thyroid glands. Apart from that, Matsyasana provides relaxation to face muscles and a deep stretch to the neck. Providing more blood to the face area that helps to rejuvenate your skin and get a good glow.

Steps To Do It: First, you need to lie down on the floor and keep both hands under your buttocks. With elbows, lift your upper body and slowly draw the rest crown area and the head back on the floor. After 10 seconds, gently lift your head and relax in the corpse pose.

Also read: From Toothpaste To Baby Oil: Make Ayurvedic Products At Home With Natural Ingredients

So, what are you waiting for? Try these yoga poses and make your skin glow!


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