You have often used
moong dal for making sprouts and curry. But did you know that moong dal also works wonder on your skin and hair? Well, from body, face, and hair, moong dal provides lots of benefits and can be the best addition to your skincare routine. So, let's look at a few uses of moong dal, which will definitely make it your new beauty friend.
Face Pack:
Moong dal face pack is a magic mask and best for people with flaky and dry skin. For making a pack, all you need is take milk in a bowl, add a handful of moong dal to it and soak it overnight. After that, blend it in the next morning. Now the paste is ready, apply it on your clean face and leave it for the 15 minutes. Once paste dries off, rinse it with regular water and pat dry your face. It will make your skin glow and soft in just a few uses.
For Acne:
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Moong dal is ideal for people who are struggling with acne and breakouts. Yes, it will not only treat acne and breakout but also hydrates your skin. For applying moong dal on the face, all you need just soak a handful of moong dal overnight in water, and the next morning grind it to prepare a paste. Now add some ghee to it and apply in on your face. After that, gently massage your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Once the paste dries off, wash it with lukewarm water. Use this pack thrice a week for best and fast results.
For Sun Tan Removal:
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The problem of sun tan is very common during the summers. So, if you are looking for something that helps to remove sun tan, then moong dal is the best choice for you. Yes, for removing tanning, all you need just soak a handful of moong dal overnight and grind it to make a pack. Then, add some aloe vera gel or chilled curd and mixed it well. Now the paste is ready, apply it on the affected area such as arms or face. Let it dry for 5-10 minutes and rinse it with cold water. This will not only remove tan but also make your skin smooth and soft.
For Hair:
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Are you tired of dull and dry hair or hair loss? If yes, a moong dal hair mask is a great choice for you. For making a mask, jut boils some dal and grind it. Add a few drops of lemon, egg yolk, and curd to it and make a pack. Now apply it on your strands from the scalp to length and leave it for 15 minutes. After that, wash off with a shampoo and water. For the best results, you can use it twice a week.
To conclude, these are the best ways to add
moong dal in your beauty regimen. So, try this at home and get healthy and glowing skin!
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