What’s Section 497 of the IPC? why the demand for bringing women into the attention of this law

New Delhi: Nowadays, Section 497 of the IPC continues to be in the discussion. A petition has been filed against this section. Under this section, There’s a provision of punishment for male conviction (opinion) in the case of an adult case but there is no provision to punish women. In this notice, a petition has been filed and the demand has been changed. Via: cloudfront.net Filing an affidavit in the Supreme Court, the Union Home Ministry has spoken that the provision of penalties for Section 497 (fornication) is correct and also said that by weakening or diminishing the provision, it will result in affecting the purity of the marriage bond. It’s been said that by canceling Section 497 of the Indian Penal code and Section 198 (2) of the CRPC would be disadvantageous or hurtful to Indian character and values. Before knowing whether there is adultery or not, know about the person who filed this petition in court. Who filed a petition Via: aboutislam.net Also Read: 7 St...